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Montezuma, J. ., & McGarrigle, J. . (2018). What motivates international homebuyers? Investor to lifestyle ‘migrants’ in a tourist city. Tourism Geographies, 21(2), 214-234.
Santos, M. ., Fonseca, A. ., Fragoso, M. ., & Santos, J. A. (2018). Recent and future changes of precipitation extremes in mainland Portugal. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 137(1-2), 1305-1319.
Barata-Salgueiro, T. ., Mendes, L. ., & Guimarães, P. P. C. (2017). Tourism and Urban Changes: lessons from Lisbon. Em M. . Gravari-Barbas & S. . Guinand (Eds.), Tourism and Gentrification in Contemporary Metropolises. International Perspectives (pp. 255-275). Routledge. ISBN: 978-1-138-64278-2.
Calisto, L. ., & Gonçalves, A. . (2017). Smart Citizens, Wise Decisions: Sustainability-driven Tourism Entrepreneurs. Em L. . Carvalho (Ed.), Handbook of Research On Entrepreneurial Development and Innovation within Smart Cities (pp. 20-43). USA: IGI Global. ISBN: 978-1-5225-1978-2.
Carvalho, L. ., Santos, I. P., & Vale, M. . (2017). Living PlanIT and the Development of the “PlanIT Urban Operating System TM”: the geographies of an innovation. Em L. . Kebir, O. . Crevoisier, P. . Costa, & V. . Peyrache-Gadeau (Eds.), Sustainable Innovation and Regional Development: Rethinking Innovative Milieus (pp. 86–102). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN: 9781784712204.
Cocola-Gant, A. . (2017). Christine Boyer. Em R. . Koch & A. . Latham (Eds.), Key Thinkers on Cities. (pp. 45-50). London: SAGE. ISBN: 9781473907751.
Cruz, M. ., Oliveira, P. ., Neto, B. ., & Frota, S. . (2017). Building a prosodic profile of European Portuguese varieties: the challenge of mapping intonation and rhythm. Em P. . Barbosa, C. . Paiva, & C. . Rodrigues (Eds.), Studies on Variation in Varieties of Portuguese. Series Issues on Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics. (pp. 81-110). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. ISBN: 9789027258137.
Espírito-Santo, D. ., Capelo, J. ., Neto, C. ., Pinto-Gomes, C. ., Ribeiro, S. ., Canas, R. O., & Costa, J. C. (2017). Lusitania. Em J. . Loidi (Ed.), The Vegetation of the Iberian Peninsula (Vol. 2, pp. 35-82). Netherlands: Springer. ISBN: 978-3-319-54867-8.
Fonseca, M. L., Abreu, D. ., & Esteves, A. . (2017). Ageing and migration: Some reflexions on the effects of the economic and financial crisis on demographic trends in Portuguese regions. Em M. . Fonseca & H. . Fratesi (Eds.), Regional upgrading in Southern Europe. Spatial disparities and human capital (pp. 265-298). Dordecht: Springer. ISBN: 978-3-319-49817-1.
Gomes, P. ., Gutierres, F. ., Rocha, J. ., & Teodoro, A. C. (2017). Assessment of Potential Impacts in Tourism of the Increase in the Average Sea Level. Em C. M. Botero, O. . Cervantes, & C. W. Finkl (Eds.), Beach Management Tools – Concepts, Methodologies and Case Studies. (pp. 349-371). Cham: Springer International Publishing. ISBN: 978-3-319-58303-7.
Gonçalves, M. M., Prates, G. ., & Rosendahl, S. . (2017). Renewing Terraces and Drystone Walls of Algarvian Barrocal. Cultural and Touristic Values. Em Proceedings of the 1st International Congress on Engineering and Sustainability in the XXI Century – INCREaSE 2017. (pp. 13-31). Springer. ISBN: 978-3-319-70271-1.
Gutierres, F. ., Gomes, P. ., Rocha, J. ., & Teodoro, A. C. (2017). Spatially Explicit Models in Local Dynamics Analysis: The Potential Natural Vegetation (PNV) as a Tool for Beach and Coastal Management. Em C. M. Botero, O. . Cervantes, & C. W. Finkl (Eds.), Beach Management Tools – Concepts, Methodologies and Case Studies (pp. 159-177). Cham: Springer International Publishing. ISBN: 978-3-319-58303-7.
McGarrigle, J. ., Ascensão, E. ., Mavroudi, E. ., Page, B. ., & Christou, A. . (Eds.). (2017). Temporalities of onward migration: long-term temporariness, cyclical labour arrangements and lived time in the city. Em Timespace and International Migration. (pp. 77-90). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Edgar. ISBN: 978 1 78643 322 0.
Moreno, L. . (2017). Social capital and rural development in Europe: a geographical perspective. Em E. . Pisani, G. . Franceschetti, L. . Secco, & A. . Christoforou (Eds.), Social Capital and Local Development. From theory to empirics (pp. 61-81). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Oliveira, S. C., Zêzere, J. L., Guillard-Gonçalves, C. ., Garcia, R. A. C., & .Pereira, S. . (2017). Integration of Landslide Susceptibility Maps for Land Use Planning and Civil Protection Emergency Management. Em K. . Sassa, M. . Mikos, & Y. . Yin (Eds.), Advancing Culture of Living with Landslides (Vol. 1, pp. 543-553). Springer Open.
Pereira, P. ., Brevik, E. ., Oliva, M. ., Estebaranz, F. ., Depellegrin, D. ., Novara, A. ., … Menshov, O. . (2017). Goal oriented soil mapping: applying modern methods supported by local knowledge. Em P. . Pereira, E. . Brevik, M. . Muñoz-Rojas, & B. . Miller (Eds.), Soil mapping and process modelling for sustainable land use management. (pp. 61-83). Elsevier. ISBN: 978-012-805-200-6.