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Almeida, S. ., Sousa, M. J., & Mesquita, S. . (2022). How to manage knowledge within Hotels Chains in the Era of Covid-19. Em T. . Guarda (Ed.), Information and Knowledge in Internet of Things. (pp. 121-142). EAI, Springer.
Almeida, S. ., Spyriadis, T. ., Costa, C. ., Simões, J. M., & Campos, A. C. (2022). When the whole is greater than the sum of its parts: Hotel Marketing Consortia as a winning strategy. Em Case based research in tourism, travel, hospitality, and Events: theory and practice. (pp. 319-341). Springer. Singapore. ISBN 978-981-16-4670-6.
Alves, E. ., & King, R. . (2022). Student Mobilities. Em P. . Scholten (Ed.), Introduction to Migration Studies: an interactive guide to the literatures on migration and migration-related diversities. (pp. 179-188). IMISCOE Research Series. Springer.
Ascensão, E. ., Ginn, F. ., & . (2022). Urban gardening and post-austerity in Lisbon: between subaltern urbanism and green gentrification. Em R. . Calvário & M. . Kaika (Eds.), The political ecology of austerity: crisis, social movements, and the environment. (pp. 177 – 197). Routledge.
Boavida-Portugal, I. . (2022). Future land use/cover change and tourism development: integrating land use policy and tourist decision behaviour. Em P. . Pereira, E. . Gomes, & J. . Rocha (Eds.), Mapping and Forecasting Land Use: The Present and Future of Planning (pp. 243–264). Elsevier.
Botelho, A. Z., Torres, P. ., Costa, A. C., Ventura, M. A., & Silva, F. . (2022). Canyoning: uma atividade emergente de turismo de natureza com grande potencial nos Açores. Em E. R. Lopes (Ed.), Turismo náutico: a gestão sustentável dos recursos hídrico-fluvial, cultural e natural (pp. 87-110). Instituto Politécnico de Tomar. ISBN: 978-989-8840-65-3.
Brito-Henriques, E. ., & Costa, P. . (2022). Restoring place attachment in a ruined post-industrial landscape: change, sense of community and aesthetics in Barreiro, Portugal. Em O. R. Ilovan & I. . Markuszewska (Eds.), Preserving and constructing place attachment in Europe. (pp. 329-344). Springer Nature.
Campos, A. C., & Almeida, S. . (2022). Unique stories for unique brands: appealing to the hotel guest experience through digital storytelling. Em R. . Nunkoo (Ed.), Handbook on the Tourist Experience: Design, Marketing and Management. Edward Elgar Publishing – Research Handbooks in Tourism series. ISBN: 978 1 83910 938 6.
Ferreira, J. ., Marques da Costa, N. ., & Sousa, B. . (2022). Tourism development through the events industry: the case of outdoor corporate events. Em J. V. d. Carvalho, P. . Liberato, & A. . Peña (Eds.), Advances in Tourism, Technology and Systems. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies (Vol. 284, pp. 49-58). Springer.
Fonseca, M. L. (2022). The Debt Crisis and Homeland-Diaspora Engagement in Portugal: Institutions, Remittances and Political Participation. Em O. . Anastasakis, M. . Pratsinakis, & A. . Kamaras (Eds.), Diaspora Engagement in Times of Severe Economic Crisis. Migration, Diasporas and Citizenship (pp. 349-377). Palgrave Macmillan.
Gomes, E. ., Banos, A. ., Abrantes, P. ., & Rocha, J. . (2022). Future land use/cover changes and participatory planning. Em P. . Pereira, E. . Gomes, & J. . Rocha (Eds.), Mapping and Forecasting Land Use: The Present and Future of Planning (pp. 29-55). Elsevier.
Hobeica, L. ., & Hobeica, A. . (2022). Investing in contingency in a heritage site. Em A. N. Martins, G. . Lizarralde, T. . Egbelakin, L. . Hobeica, J. M. Mendes, & A. . Hobeica (Eds.), Investing in Disaster Risk Reduction for Resilience: Design, Methods and Knowledge in the face of Climate Change. (pp. 77-98). Elsevier. ISBN: 9780128186398.
Jung, P. R. (2022). Multinational Migration in the Global South: Complex and Non-linear Trajectories of Senegalese Migrants in Brazil (J. . Ahrens & R. . King, Eds.). IMISCOE Research Series. Springer.
Kofman, E. ., Buhr, F. ., & Fonseca, M. L. (2022). Family Migration. Em P. . Scholten (Ed.), Introduction to Migration Studies: an interactive guide to the literatures on migration and migration-related diversities (pp. 137-149). IMISCOE Research Series. Springer .
Madaleno, I. . (2022). How to build food-sustainable cities and give health to the ageing urban residents: a tale of two community gardens in Lisbon, Portugal. Em P. . Chias & F. . Hernandez (Eds.), Eco-Architecture IX. Harmonisation between Architecture and Nature (pp. 103-113). WiTTPress. (WIT Transactions on The Built Environment; 210).
Marinho, J. ., Almeirda, S. ., & Neto, C. . (2022). Exploration of 3 W’s of Web Marketing in the Hotel Sector: a Study conducted at the Casa da Calçada Hotel. Em T. . Guarda, F. . Portela, & M. F. Santos (Eds.), Advanced research in technologies, information, innovation and sustainability. ARTIIS 2021. Communications in Computer and Information Science (Vol. 1485, pp. 724-738). Springer.