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Marques da Costa, E. ., Louro, A. ., Marques da Costa, N. ., Dias, M. ., & Barata, M. . (2022). Walking Accessibility to Primary Healthcare Services: An Inequity Factor for Olders in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area (Portugal). Em A. . Klimczuk (Ed.), Social Aspects of Ageing: Selected Challenges, Analyses, and Solutions [Working Title] ((ahead-of-print. IntechOpen.
McGarrigle, J. ., & Scholten, P. . (2022). Lifestyle migration. Em Introduction to Migration Studies: an interactive guide to the literatures on migration and migration-related diversities (pp. 169-177). IMISCOE Research Series. Springer. Obtido de
Melo, R. ., Oliveira, S. C., & Zêzere, J. L. (2022). Mass-movement processes: shallow landslides. Em J. J. F. Shroder (Ed.), Treatise on Geomorphology (Vol. 5, pp. 106-113). Elsevier, Academic Press.
Mendes, L. . (2022). Teresa Barata Salgueiro. Em A. . Carmo (Ed.), Espaço, Lugar e Território: Figuras do Pensamento Português Contemporâneo (pp. 359-368). Edições Afrontamento. ISBN 9789723619638.
Mendes, L. ., & Carmo, A. . (2022). Urban regeneration, Business Improvement Districts and retail revitalization: mind the gaps. Em R. . Perrault (Ed.), Urban Regeneration: Methods, Implementation and Management (pp. 1-25). Nova Science Publishers. (Urban Development and Infrastructure). ISBN: 978-1-68507-558-3.
Mesquita, S. ., Almeida, S. ., & Sousa, M. J. (2022). Exploring COVID-19 Technological Impacts on Portuguese Hotel Chains– CEO´s Perspective. Em T. . Guarda, F. . Portela, & M. . Augusto (Eds.), Advanced Research in Technologies, Information, Innovation and Sustainability. ARTIIS 2022. Communications in Computer and Information Science (pp. 137-149). Springer.
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Oliveira, F. R. (2022). 007 Colinas, licença para gamificar a experiência turística. Em J. . Mora-Aliseda, R. . Castanho, J. . Carvalho, & A. . Abreu (Eds.), Nuevas estrategias para un turismo sostenible (pp. 85-96). Thomson Reuters. ISBN:978-84-1124-804-4.
Oliveira, F. R. (2022). “China in 16th century Portuguese Nautical Cartography”. Em M. . Caboara (Ed.), Regnum Chinae: The Printed Western Maps of China to 1735. Explokart Studies in the History of Cartography (Vol. 21 , pp. 95-111). Brill. ISBN: 9789004382039.
Oliveira, F. R. (2022). Jaime Zuzarte Cortesão. Em E. . Beignet & A. R. Novaes (Eds.), Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies (pp. 87-114). Bloomsbury Academic.
Pellé, R. ., Giacalone, G. ., , Pistidda, S. ., Mendes, L. ., & Perrault, R. . (2022). Is Urban Regeneration Possible without Gentrification? A Proposal of a Social Condenser for Alegria’s Street, Lisbon. Em Urban Regeneration: Methods, Implementation and Management (pp. 31-56). Nova Science Publishers. (Urban Development and Infrastructure). ISBN: 978-1-68507-558-3.
Ribeiro, C. ., & Almeida, S. . (2022). Managing Emotions in the Purchasing Process. Em T. . Guarda, F. . Portela, & M. . Augusto (Eds.), Advanced Research in Technologies, Information, Innovation and Sustainability. ARTIIS 2022. Communications in Computer and Information Science.. Springer, Cham .
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Santos-Júnior, A. ., Almeida, S. ., Almeida-García, F. ., & Simões, J. M. (2022). Smart tourism destinations: a content analysis based on the view of the experts. Em T. . Guarda, F. . Portela, & M. F. Santos (Eds.), Advanced research in technologies, information, innovation and sustainability. ARTIIS 2021. Communications in Computer and Information Science (pp. 664-683). Springer.
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