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Isabel André Award

Prémio Isabel André

Isabel André Award

The Isabel André Award aims to distinguish doctoral theses in the areas of Geography, Regional Development, and Spatial Planning that develop, in a critical and original way, an in-depth reflection on gender in geographical thinking or that integrate a gender perspective in Spatial Planning.

The Award is a tribute to Isabel André, a pioneer in gender studies in Geography in Portugal. She was the first woman to obtain a PhD degree in the country with a thesis in Gender Geography. Her doctoral thesis, entitled ‘The false neutral in Human Geography: gender and patriarchal relationships in employment and domestic work’, paved the way for this field of research in Portugal. The Prize for Research on Gender in Geography continues the efforts initiated by Isabel André, in promoting critical reflection on gender in Geography and gender equality as a fundamental value.

Submission criteria

Authors of any nationality may apply for the prize, provided their theses were defended within 36 months prior to the application date and written in Portuguese, Spanish, English, or French, as long as the work includes analysis of Lusophone, Ibero-American, or Southern European spaces.

How to apply?

Application period: July 10, 2024 to October 10, 2024

Application Form

The Award

The Award provides public recognition of the relevance of the work developed and will be granted in one of the following modalities:

  • If the winner resides outside Portugal, they will be invited to present their thesis at a conference at IGOT, University of Lisbon, costs will be covered for travel, accommodation and subsistence;
  • If the winner resides in Portugal and is part of CEG, costs will be covered for participation (travel, registration, accommodation) in an international conference (up to 2000 euros);
  • As an alternative to the previous modalities, the winner may choose to publish their thesis in the CEG collection.

The Jury

The 2024 jury is chaired by Jennifer McGarrigle from the CEG board and consists of the following experts:

  • Mireia Baylina Ferré, Associate Professor in the Department of Geography, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
  • Margarida Queirós, Associate Professor at the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning, University of Lisbon
  • Jorge Malheiros, Associate Professor at the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning, University of Lisbon

Gender Equality

The Isabel André Award is an initiative of the Centre for Geographical Studies of the University of Lisbon, in the ambit of the institution’s commitment to gender equality, outlined in the IGOT Gender Equality Plan and in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.

1st Edition Winner – 2021

Prémio Isabel André - vencedora 2021

The prize of the first edition (2021) was awarded to Larissa Araújo Coutinho de Paula, geographer, educator and PhD in geography from the Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), for her thesis entitled “A Bela Flor do/no Campo: for a Geography of Gender and r(existence) in rural settlements in the interior of São Paulo”.