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PhD & MSc Students
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Pedro Ferreira


2021, Master, Architecture and Urbanism, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
2019, Bachelor, Geography, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Last publications

Journal article

Ferreira, Pedro. 2022. «The production of space framed between smart city and platform urbanism». Indisciplinar (14) Belo Horizonte, Brasil.

Book chapter

Ferreira, Pedro. 2022. «The production of the city in the molds of Airbnb: Debating contemporary urbanization through the lens of platform studies». in PRAXIS 10+ 1 Belo Horizonte, Brasil.


Libânio, Clarice; Trigger, Alexsandro; Oliveira, Ana; Veloso, André; Craveiro, Caroline; Zanandreis, César; Santos, Dandara; et al. 2018. «RMBH's Citizenship and Identity Metropolitan Guide». 1 editado por Libânio, Clarice. Belo Horizonte, Brasil. Favela é Isso Aí