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10th National Congress of Geomorphology: Geomorphological Dynamics in Space and Time

10th National Congress of Geomorphology: Geomorphological Dynamics in Space and Time

The Portuguese Association of Geomorphologists (APGEOM), in collaboration with IGOT-ULisboa, organised the 10th National Congress of Geomorphology – Geomorphological dynamics in space and time, in Lisbon, from the 12th to the 15th of September.

The 12th and 13th of September were dedicated to conferences and presentations, while the 14th and 15th of September focused on field trips (Northern Lisbon Region and Setúbal Peninsula).

The 10th National Congress of Geomorphology featured 43 presentations, organised into 5 thematic areas: geomorphological processes; long-term landscape evolution; geomorphological hazards and risks; geomorphological heritage; and research carried out by young geomorphologists.

The congress also featured two keynote lectures, presented by Paola Reichenbach (Methods and techniques for landslide susceptibility evaluation) and David Bridgland (The role of geomorphology in the Quaternary).

During the congress, the ceremony for the António de Brum Ferreira Prize for Research in Geomorphology took place in its first edition. Marcelo Fernandes, a researcher from CEG, won the prize, and Teresa Vaz, a CEG collaborator, was awarded an Honourable Mention.


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